Meet the board
The SHE board supports the SHE secretariat, overseeing the progress and functioning of SHE.
The board consists of the SHE secretariat (represented by the international coordinator), four national SHE representatives and the chair of the SHE Research Group. The World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe has an observer status in SHE board meetings.
Apart from having online meetings the SHE board meets once a year. The board discusses the strategic planning of the network, supports the SHE secretariat in the general coordination and management of the network and the development of strategies for implementation of health promoting school programs in member countries.

Ivana Pavic Simetin
SHE Manager

Nina Grieg Viig
National coordinator, Norway

Tineke Vansteenkiste
National coordinator, Belgium

Veronica Velasco
Regional coordinator, Lombardy, Italy

Marjorita Sormunen
Chair SHE research group, Finland