Advocacy has been recognized as one of three major strategies for health promotion1 (the other being enablement and mediation). Advocacy can be described either as protection of the vulnerable and/or empowerment of the disadvantaged. Examples of advocacy include the use of mass media, direct political lobbying, and community mobilization. Traditionally, health workers are protectors and advocates of patients. However, health professionals also have a major responsibility to act as advocates for whole populations2. One of the best ways that teachers can be advocates for health promotion in schools is to ensure students are given a voice and their opinions on strategy and priorities in relation to the formation of a health-promoting school is vital.

1. Nutbeam D. Health Promotion Glossary. Health Promot Int. 1998;13:349–364. doi: 10.1093/heapro/13.4.349. 

2. Sandra Carlisle, Health promotion, advocacy and health inequalities: a conceptual framework, Health Promotion International, Volume 15, Issue 4, December 2000, Pages 369–376,



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