Didactics is the theory of teaching and learning.

In the school health promotion approach didactics includes both the day-to-day and the in-the-moment decision making of teachers and other professionals in schools engaged in educational practice oriented towards learning (in and outside the class room).

Didactics includes three main aspects: what should be taught and learned (the content aspect); how do we teach and learn (the method aspect); and to what purpose or intention should something be taught and learned (the justification of the goal/aims aspect).

The intent of didactics in school health promotion is to reflect on and develop educational practices to provide foundations for a positive change in both learning and health outcomes.

Andrews, P. (2007) Conditions for learning: a footnote on pedagogy and didactics ATM https://www.atm.org.uk/write/mediauploads/journals/mt204/non-member/atm-mt204-22-22.pdf Accessed 06 January 2020

Melissinopoulos, S. (2013). From Pedagogy to Didactics: Clarifying the Discussion on Architectural Education. https://architecturaleducators.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/melissinopoulos-2013-from-pedagogy-to-didactics-clarifying-the-discussion-on-architectural-education.pdf Accessed 06 January 2020

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