Planetary health describes both the health of human civilization and the state of the natural systems including political, economic, social and environmental systems1.. The SHE Moscow statement from 2019 has identified that environment, climate and health are closely intertwined, and cannot be considered in isolation, but rather have common goals and fields of action2. By focusing on planetary health – schools can be role models and leaders in shaping a healthy and sustainable future for students.

Greta Thunberg is an example of a very direct school striker with a clear message about the importance of Planetary health. 

1. Horton, R. and Lo. S (2015), Planetary health: a new science for exceptional action, The Lancet, Volume 386, Issue 10007, Pages 1921-1922,

2. Dadaczynski, K., Jensen, B.B. Grieg Viig, N., Sormunen, M., von Seelen, J., Kuchma, V., Vilaça, M.T. on behalf of the conference participants (2019). Health, well-being and education: building a sustainable future. The Moscow Statement on Health Promoting Schools. Online available at:




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