Healthy spring in school

The school project “Healthy Spring“ in Simonas Daukantas gymnasium is held in May and June. The aim of this event is to promote a healthy lifestyle among the school community.

Various activities are organized for different age groups of pupils. Primary school students take part in the lessons on healthy eating where they learn to recognize, name and manage different emotions. The students of 5-8 grades are encouraged to take some physical activities when participating in the game ‘‘Treasure Hunt‘‘. The challenge of denying serious consequences of online learning on every student’s health is accepted by the learners of gymnasium classes whose actions encourage everyone to lead an active and healthy life. At the beginning of June, students will have the opportunity to participate and exercise mentally in a Kahoot quiz. What is more, all school community is involved in the environmental campaign ‘‘Let‘s Do It“ cleaning some local areas.

Life is different now, due to the corona pandemic, so many activities by senior students are carried out independently in order to protect their own and their friends’ health. We hope that this project will teach our community some creativity and optimism to feel the joy of movement and collaboration.

(Written by Jolanta Juozilaitienė, teacher at Papilė Simonas Daukantas School, Lithuania)

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