Webinar 24th September 2020 on creating more engaging teaching (ERASMUS +)

Do you want to learn more about how to create more active and engaging teaching and learning? How to use design methods and collaborative processes in schools and classrooms, and between teachers and students? The ERASMUS+ project invites you to join a free webinar on this.

At the webinar, the FUTE project (“FUture TEaching”) will be presented. It has developed a design thinking model, a set of method cards and training material that can help school leaders to make design and co-creation part of a school culture, as well as help teachers to apply design and co-creation processes actively with colleagues and students, in order to develop, plan and implement more engaging and active teaching. During the webinar, concrete examples on how to use design methods in schools and especially how to use the FUTE approach and the FUTE method cards is shown and discussed.

Find program and informations on how to sign up.

Please register for the Webinar before Tuesday the 22nd of September. The link to join the webinar will be send to you on the morning of the 24th of September - see how in the invitation above.

Learn more about the FUTE project.


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