Freedom - the secret of a happy childhood

"When the opportunity arises, sometimes without any occasion, let us talk to the children about our Lithuania, about the people who lived and still live here, who have always made our country famous and still make it famous", claim Regina and Živilė, the teachers of Marijampole kindergarten "Rūta". The following is their story about the secret of a happy childhood.

We enjoy the freedom of Lithuania and together we try to make childhood joyful, happy, creative, wonderful. We talk to children about the importance of Lithuanian holidays. What happened, what are we celebrating? What makes them special? On February 16, our kindergarten was decorated in three colours: yellow, green, red. For Lithuania's birthday, we built a huge snow cake, constructed a castle, learned poems in groups, sang our national anthem, drew a lot of pictures and had tricoloured cookies. Children decorated the oak tree, which grows in the yard, with toys made from ice, and the branches of the fir were covered with tricoloured snow beds. Kindergarten students and the whole community worked together to create amazing tricolored bracelets. Cherished memories help children grow up self-confident, respecting the heroes of the nation, the citizens who love and defend Lithuania.

Dear teachers, let us try to make childhood joyful, happy, creative, wonderful and unforgettable, joyful, imaginative, wonderful, aimed at child’s freedom, where you are given the freedom to choose, decide, experiment freely, explore, fantasize, play and enjoy the game. It is so simple to do: it is important to be happy, to give a child the freedom of choice: to allow him to choose a game, an activity, food, and together enjoy Freedom everywhere- at home, in the kindergarten. Isn’t that a happy childhood!?

Today, it can be safely said that the formula for children's health is a free and happy child!!!

Regina Ramanauskienė & Živilė Belickienė

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